Sunday, September 25, 2011

Real Food!

Well maybe not real food, but mushy food that has to taste better than boring milk all the time.  And the winner of the "what should his first food be competition" was... BANANAS!  And PJ was a HUGE fan!  He couldn't get enough of them!  So much for the worry that babies take awhile to warm up to eating from a spoon.  Our little chow hound dove right in...
MMMM Bananas!

Friday, September 23, 2011

First tooth.... and SECOND tooth

Parker got his first AND second tooth this week!  He has been a drooling machine and apparently decided to kick it into high gear and start getting his teeth in.  The first tooth came through on Monday night and the second one on Thursday night.  He's going to look adorable cruising around with his two bottom teeth!  If I can ever get him to sit still I will try and get a pic... no luck with that so far!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Canterbury Downs

We headed over to Canterbury Downs to cheer on a friend's horse that was racing.  Parker's first trip to Canterbury and he got to go in the owner's circle to see the horses and jockey's up close.  He was apparently getting sleeping as you can tell he's rubbing his eyes- like father like son there!  He perked up though when his horse won!

Parker and his winning ticket!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

First Lesson in Building a Computer...

Dad ordered new parts for another computer... apparently we didn't have enough!  Dad sat down with Parker for his first lesson in computer building... Parker was quite intrigued!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Dakota County Fair

We enjoyed a fun family night out at the Dakota County Fair.  It was gorgeous weather and the food was delicious!  Parker especially enjoyed the horse barn.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Four Generations

I am way behind in uploading photos.... but here is the four generation picture from our trip down to Florida!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Gifts from Great Grandma Watts

The sweater set is a little big for this winter, but will fit perfectly next year!
Parker's first Christmas ornaments and handmade stocking... absolutely LOVE it!

All dressed up for dinner!

On our third night in Vero, we went out to dinner at the Ocean Grill.  It was right on the ocean with GORGEOUS views, but dad spent most of his time looking at Parker!

Hotel Pool... still sleeping

The Ocean!

Our trip to Vero has been filled with all sorts of first's, including Parker's first trip to the ocean.  It was HOT!  100 degrees out- and that was at the ocean where it's suppose to be cooler.  We stayed for about 15 minutes, enough to get down to the water, take some pics, back to dry off, and then to the car!  Too hot for our little sensitive skinned munchkin. He seemed to enjoy the first 5 minutes or so, then decided to sleep through the rest of it... apparently the calming ocean waves were too much for him!

Meeting Great Grandma Watts

Parker was a real charmer meeting his Great Grandma Watts.  He was ALL smiles!

Family Vacation

Our first family vacation was down to Vero Beach, FL to visit Parker's Great Grandma Watts!  The plane ride was a little nerve wracking for mom and dad, but Parker was a champ.  He didn't shed one tear, and even stayed up for part of the plane ride.  Here are some pics of his first plane ride, and trip through Orlando airport (which we all know he will have LOTS of experience with in the future on his way to Disney World!)

Monday, July 25, 2011

Two Months Old!

We can't believe Parker is two months already!  His doctor check up was great.  He is now a whopping 11 pounds, and 23 inches, yikes!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

First Twins Game!

Barely a month old and Parker was off to his first Twins game!  We were celebrating Uncle Mikey's birthday and had a blast!  Of course he was sporting his Cuddyer jersey (thanks Aunt Steph!)

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Monthly Photo Shoot

Steph had this great idea to document Parker's growth each month by taking a picture in the same location so you can see how much he's grown!  We probably should have started this right when we got home, but we were too busy NOT sleeping... so we will start at one month instead!  

Saturday, June 25, 2011

First Trip to Cabela's

Even though Parker is only 1 month old, Dad is getting him ready for hunting, fishing, and whatever other hobbies may come their way.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

First Bath!

Parker absolutely loved his first bath, the only time he cried was when we took him out!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A Very Protective Puppy...

Maize doesn't like to leave Parker's side... even when he's sleeping!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Test driving the stroller...

In the few moments the sun was shining, we decided to give our new stroller a test drive... it was wonderful!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Home at Last!

After spending an extra day at the hospital we have finally made it home!  During the night on Wednesday my blood pressure really shot up and so the doctor decided one more day in the hospital would be a good idea.  As much as we appreciated the extra precaution, we were ready to be home and not looking forward to another night there.  We spent Thursday taking it easy, relaxing and trying to get my blood pressure down and the doc ran some extra tests.  Even though some of my blood tests came back low, the doctor said we could still go home Friday, but she would have a nurse stop by the house Monday for a home visit to check in on my blood pressure again. 

 Parker in outfit number 2 after he peed all over outfit number 1

 Let's Roll!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Parker James Watts

All is well from the hospital!

May 24, 2011
7lbs. 11 oz
21 inches

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

At the hospital...

Well it turned out there WAS a giant rush of women in labor last night... so our induction was pushed back to 8:30 or so.  We got settled in and finally got some sleep around 1 am.  The drugs they gave me last night to prep for inducing today seem to be working so they will break my water and start the pitocin around 11:45.  Then, it is up to the munchkin to decide when he will make his arrival!  Hopefully sooner than later! 

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Induction Scheduled!

The doctor called yesterday and confirmed our induction for next Monday night/Tuesday.  We are suppose to call the hospital at 6:00pm to confirm everything Monday night, and pending there isn't a giant rush of women in labor, we will head over to the hospital.  Counting down the days now!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Only one more week...

Doctors appointments have been great this week, so the doctor has decided to induce next Tuesday.  The plan is to go to the hospital Monday night for some prep stuff, I'll spare you the details, and then they will start the pitocin (for inducing) Tuesday morning!  We can't wait!