Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Logan's First Birthday!

Happy First Birthday Logan!  We spent the day at mom's enjoying some sunshine and, of course, chocolate cake!  As a  now big one year old Logan is walking, babbling, eating anything you put in front of him and doing everything his brother does.  He will climb anything and everything, and loves to pay in the sand and water.  He is definitely our little menace, with a smile that will melt your heart every time.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Nana's at the Lake: A grandchild's dream...

So this last weekend we headed to Nana's to install a tire swing.  It turned out a thousand times cooler than I ever could have imagined.  Even though there aren't any pictures, it should be made known that IIIII did most of the climbing up the super giant-way in the air-pictures don't do it justice- ladder!  Maybe I can photoshop myself up that ladder instead of Win?  Anyway, not only did Parker get to try out the super awesome new swing, on the same day, Parker discovered a little gnome had moved in to Nana's garden!  My two little guys are so lucky to grow up with all the amazing memories that we will make at the lake...

Got Veggies?

Yikes, apparently we've done something right this year when it comes to gardening!  The plants have taken off and look amazing.  We have more lettuce and spinach than we know what to do with.  The flowers are blooming, and while nothing else is ready to harvest yet, it's all growing like weeds- which ironically enough we don't have a lot of.

The garden bed on the left is lettuce, spinach, broccoli, and snap peas.  The garden bed on the right is beans, carrots, and cucumbers.

Win's potted plants- jalapenos, italian peppers, roma tomatoes and patio tomatoes.

My beautiful flowers!  The marigolds and impatiens were grown from seeds!  And the gnome garden (in the wagon) is just a small example of my completely out of control gnome garden hobby.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

First Night of T-Ball!

Since we survived the first night of soccer on Monday, we headed to Parker's first night of t-ball on Tuesday!  He loved it, although while he was batting he did have to tell his coaches about 32 times that he's left handed.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Parker's first night of soccer!

I'm not sure who was more excited for last night, Mom and Dad or Parker.  It was Parker's first night of soccer and he absolutely loved it!  Logan was an excellent sport as well, and cheered on his brother from the sidelines :).

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

A little softball, and a day at the races...

On Saturday, Parker, Logan and I headed to Elizabeth's softball game to cheer on her team in the Farmington Frenzy tournament.  Her team didn't win, but we still had a blast cheering her on!  Parker's favorite part was sitting on the top of the bleachers.  

We headed to Canterbury Park on Sunday for their Family Fun Day events.  There is free pony rides, face painting, and a petting zoo- super fun!  Parker loves to watch the horse races, and apparently (from the looks of the photos) takes it very seriously! :)  Funny enough, he was 3 out 4 for the day- picking entirely based on name, color and number of course.  Now if only Mom and Dad would have had enough sense to put some money on it!