Tuesday, June 2, 2015

A little softball, and a day at the races...

On Saturday, Parker, Logan and I headed to Elizabeth's softball game to cheer on her team in the Farmington Frenzy tournament.  Her team didn't win, but we still had a blast cheering her on!  Parker's favorite part was sitting on the top of the bleachers.  

We headed to Canterbury Park on Sunday for their Family Fun Day events.  There is free pony rides, face painting, and a petting zoo- super fun!  Parker loves to watch the horse races, and apparently (from the looks of the photos) takes it very seriously! :)  Funny enough, he was 3 out 4 for the day- picking entirely based on name, color and number of course.  Now if only Mom and Dad would have had enough sense to put some money on it! 

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