Thursday, September 24, 2015

Back to School!

The boys headed back to daycare full time, and Parker is starting preschool (sniff, sniff.... how is my little guy already in preschool?!)!  He goes two days a week, just for the afternoon, to Wee Tigers preschool at Riverview Elementary school.  I love that his program is at Riverview, since that is where he will be going to kindergarten- hopefully it will be less overwhelming next year for him.  His teacher is Mrs. Mary, and she is the sweetest lady ever.  He absolutely LOVES it!

Monday, September 14, 2015

It's like we think we're 18 again...

So, now that we had this fun new boat, we of course had to try it out the first weekend we had it.  Win went online, ordered a wake surf board and we headed out the following weekend.  Chris and Em met us at mom's and we loaded up the boat.  It's a little bit of a process to wake surf.  The boat has these things called "fat sacs" that you use a pump to fill up with water from the lake.  The sacs then weigh the boat down creating this big wake for you to surf on.

Chris and Win were up first.  They'd spent all week watching youtube videos and kept telling us all how easy it was.  "Let the boat do the work", "tie the rope here", "put your feet there".  Well after a couple hours of them trying and failing, I was up.  (This is where the story gets good).  I try once, and fall instantly.  Tell them they are doing it wrong, the rope goes in a different location, and they need to plant their feet differently.  Second time- I'm up and surfing!  Jen- 1, Guys- 0 :)

Of course, then both guys were itching to try it again, and both were able to get up pretty easily.  We spent the rest of the day out surfing, and by that night could barely lift our arms over our heads.  It didn't bother us, though, we went out again the following day!  We are loving it and can't wait for next summer!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

You let mom and dad go on one little road trip and....

...we come back with a boat!

A little back story- for about 2 years now Win and I have been doing a little boat shopping, nothing serious, just keeping our eyes open in case the perfect dream boat were to come along.  Parker's getting to the age where he wants to tube and wake board, and Logan's getting to the age where he can actually be out on the boat and enjoy it.  So, when this little dream boat came along we had to snatch it up.  On Labor Day, Win and I trekked down to Waterloo, IA to check it out.  I'll be honest with you.... our trip down there was a lot like when you go to a pet store to "look" for a new pet.  Yea right, "look",  as long as the thing didn't sink-it was ours!

So, after 2 tanks of gas and 8 hours in the car, we came home with this beauty!  :) :) :)

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Minnesota State Fair

We took our annual trip to the Minnesota State Fair!  We've pretty much gotten it down to a science now that we go to the fair with kids.  We park in the same spot, walk the same route once inside the fair, and eat pretty much all the same food.  (We tried venturing into new foods last year and were extremely disappointed.)  It's pretty safe to say that both boys liked Sweet Martha's Cookies the best.