Thursday, September 10, 2015

You let mom and dad go on one little road trip and....

...we come back with a boat!

A little back story- for about 2 years now Win and I have been doing a little boat shopping, nothing serious, just keeping our eyes open in case the perfect dream boat were to come along.  Parker's getting to the age where he wants to tube and wake board, and Logan's getting to the age where he can actually be out on the boat and enjoy it.  So, when this little dream boat came along we had to snatch it up.  On Labor Day, Win and I trekked down to Waterloo, IA to check it out.  I'll be honest with you.... our trip down there was a lot like when you go to a pet store to "look" for a new pet.  Yea right, "look",  as long as the thing didn't sink-it was ours!

So, after 2 tanks of gas and 8 hours in the car, we came home with this beauty!  :) :) :)

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