Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Waiting on spring...

Even though this past winter hasn't been as horrible as some we've had, we still can't wait for spring to get here- partially because the hubby has taken over my school room with his plants.  What?! you ask?  Ok, here's a little back story for you:  Last year we decided we were going to jump on the granola band wagon and start seeds inside to then plant outside once Minnesota decided to join the rest of the world and warm up.  Well, about two weeks in we had clearly done something wrong as not a thing was growing, or what had sprouted had died.  Fail.  So instead we headed to Home Depot, bought our plants like every other year and called it good.  That brings us to this year.  A little more determined, and a little more educated on the whole growing plants thing, and voila, PLANTS!

Problem now, Minnesota weather is taking it's sweet *** time warming up, so we can't plant these things outside until it stops freezing at night.  So, Z and A and I are enjoying our daily math and reading lessons in a mini green house surrounded by the delightful smells of tomatoes and basil.  Perfect, in my opinion.

So in preparation of spring coming eventually, we spent last weekend building our raised garden beds.  Turned out pretty fantastic in my opinion.  Parks helped of course, while Logan napped.  We used cedar boards, cut down to size and drilled to be 3'x5' boxes.  A little edge on the top finished them off nicely. 

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