Monday, May 4, 2015

Garden Planting- Part 1

We were back at it this weekend, and almost killed ourselves, getting the gardens ready.  We spent the entire day Saturday- 10 hours to be exact - setting up our super cool new gardens.  It took a little planning, in order to be sure Logan's nap times fell when there were jobs for both of us to be doing, but we managed to rototill, haul dirt, plant seeds and even had time to pretty up the kids play area.  Personally, I think it looks pretty amazing. :) 

We were only able to plant one garden this weekend since it still gets too cold for some of the other things we plan to grow.  So for now, we have planted peas, lettuce, and broccoli (two kinds).  In two weeks we'll plant the second garden and get our tomatoes and peppers into their outdoor containers.  Fingers crossed stuff will start to grow!

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