Monday, May 18, 2015

Parker's 4th Birthday!

We hit a big milestone in a kids life on Sunday... Parker's first "friend" birthday party!  He invited three of his good friends from daycare to go swimming and then have pizza at our house.  Win was on overload about 5 minutes into the very loud car ride to Dakotah Fitness where we went swimming, but he rebounded quickly once we got inside and the boys had some room to run around.  The water slide was the definite favorite, all four boys loved going down it.  Of course Parker, my no-fear little boy, decided he was old enough to go down the slide by himself with just a life jacket on.  And then after about 3 times by himself with a life jacket, he took the life jacket off and didn't even want me to "catch him" at the bottom.  It's a good thing I'm blonde, or I'd have a head full of gray hair.

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