Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Memorial Day Weekend

We had an absolutely amazing Memorial Day weekend! Mikey and his family came to visit so we were able to enjoy some family time at the lake with him, Mara, Jayce and Lucy!  We went fishing, celebrated Parker and Jayce's birthdays, and the boys enjoyed tooling around on their new scooters. 

Monday, May 18, 2015

Parker's 4th Birthday!

We hit a big milestone in a kids life on Sunday... Parker's first "friend" birthday party!  He invited three of his good friends from daycare to go swimming and then have pizza at our house.  Win was on overload about 5 minutes into the very loud car ride to Dakotah Fitness where we went swimming, but he rebounded quickly once we got inside and the boys had some room to run around.  The water slide was the definite favorite, all four boys loved going down it.  Of course Parker, my no-fear little boy, decided he was old enough to go down the slide by himself with just a life jacket on.  And then after about 3 times by himself with a life jacket, he took the life jacket off and didn't even want me to "catch him" at the bottom.  It's a good thing I'm blonde, or I'd have a head full of gray hair.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Look out world... we have a walker!

It's official, Logan is walking!  He's taking at least 5 steps at a time, and is getting faster every day.  This little guy is definitely keeping mom and dad on our toes! 

Fishing Opener!

Last weekend was fishing opener, so Win and our neighbor, Ken, headed up to his cabin to try and catch some monster fish.  No monster fish, but they did catch some nice perch that they fried up for dinner, and a really nice bass (although they had to throw it back since it's not quite bass season). 
While the men were away, the women did play!  Kari and I headed to Nana's house with the kiddos to enjoy some sunshine, boat rides, and fishing of our own.  Ok, to be honest, we fished for all of five minutes, but the sunshine was heavenly!  The kids took the paddle boat out for a ride, cruised all around the bay, and scoped out a turtle that was sunning himself on the neighbor's dock.  All in all a fantastic weekend!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The boat floats!

We launched the pontoon last night and went out for the first ride of the season.  Even with one of those suffocating life jackets on, Logan loved it. 

Monday, May 4, 2015

First Successful Fishing Day of the Season!

After a lot of hard work on Saturday, we headed to Nana's on Sunday to get the boat and do some fishing.  Well turns out the boat place was closed, so it turned into a just fishing day.  Poor us, right?  Oh man did we have luck!  There were crappies everywhere.  We caught 12 off Nana's dock, kept 9 of them, and missed about 20 others.  They were finicky little buggers.


Garden Planting- Part 1

We were back at it this weekend, and almost killed ourselves, getting the gardens ready.  We spent the entire day Saturday- 10 hours to be exact - setting up our super cool new gardens.  It took a little planning, in order to be sure Logan's nap times fell when there were jobs for both of us to be doing, but we managed to rototill, haul dirt, plant seeds and even had time to pretty up the kids play area.  Personally, I think it looks pretty amazing. :) 

We were only able to plant one garden this weekend since it still gets too cold for some of the other things we plan to grow.  So for now, we have planted peas, lettuce, and broccoli (two kinds).  In two weeks we'll plant the second garden and get our tomatoes and peppers into their outdoor containers.  Fingers crossed stuff will start to grow!